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Things To Remember When You Move Overseas

When preparing to relocate abroad, it’s easy to overlook key details during packing that can lead to significant challenges down the line. To help ensure a smooth process, expats advise that new movers avoid these common packing oversights that they navigated during their own moves.

This will facilitate a seamless journey to your destination, allowing you to embrace your new environment with belongings that help you feel at home.

What Did You Forget To Pack Before Moving Overseas?

Well-Fitting Wardrobe & Practical Shoes

Many people make the mistake of assuming they can purchase a new wardrobe upon arrival in their destination country. While this may seem convenient, it can lead to frustration when familiar clothing items are unavailable or difficult to replace.

Sizes and styles vary significantly across different countries, making the task of finding garments that suit both your body and personal taste very challenging. It is important to bring your favourite, well-fitting clothes and fill in any gaps with inexpensive seasonal items sourced from second-hand stores once you are settled.  By packing your own clothes and shoes, especially if using overseas shipping for your belongings, you will ensure greater comfort during your adjustment period.

Packing For Hobbies & Creative Pursuits

In favour of packing essential items, many expats fail to consider the importance of packing supplies for personal hobbies and creative activities. It may seem like these items take up valuable space in a limited suitcase, but they are integral to maintaining your sense of normalcy and comfort while settling into a new country.

It is possible to purchase new supplies once you have reached your destination. However, the cost and availability of these items may vary significantly. Hobbies provide a sense of continuity and relaxation, so ensure you bring the tools and materials that allow you to stay connected with your passions with you.

Packing For Health Needs: Over-The-Counter Medications

It is crucial to pack over-the-counter medications that you frequently use, such as pain relievers, allergy tablets, and cold remedies. Navigating unfamiliar pharmacies in a foreign country can be a frustrating experience, particularly if the medicines you rely on are not available or are marketed under different names.

Bringing your regular medicines ensures you are well-prepared to handle minor health issues without unnecessary stress. This precaution will help you feel more at ease during your transition, especially if you fall ill in your new location.

What Did You Forget To Do Before Moving Overseas?

Switching Your SIM Card & Updating Communication Settings

An often-overlooked task when preparing for an international move is ensuring that your SIM card is switched to a pay-as-you-go plan or activating an eSIM. This simple yet essential step ensures you will still receive critical two-step verification messages for your online banking apps.

Failing to make this change can result in being locked out of important services, causing unnecessary complications once you arrive at your destination. To avoid this inconvenience, be sure to make the necessary changes to your SIM card before departing.

Scheduling Health & Personal Maintenance Appointments

Prior to moving, it is advisable to address any outstanding health or personal maintenance issues. Scheduling medical, dental, and other health-related appointments while you are still covered by your home country’s insurance will save you additional stress, money, and time.

In many cases, it can take weeks or months to secure appointments in an unfamiliar place. By taking care of routine health needs before your departure, you will have the peace of mind to focus on settling into your new environment.

Consulting With An International Removalist

Many expats regret not consulting with international removalists prior to their move, especially when it comes to shipping delicate or sentimental belongings. While some may consider leaving these items behind or purchasing new ones upon arrival, this can result in both emotional and financial strain.

Replacing cherished possessions is often more costly than shipping them, as it may not be possible to find equivalent items in your new country. To avoid these regrets, consider engaging an international removalist to safely ship your belongings. This will ensure that your treasured possessions arrive at your new home without the risk of damage or loss, providing comfort and familiarity during your transition.

Things To Remember When You Move Overseas

In the excitement of moving overseas, it is easy to overlook important details that can complicate your relocation. Before your departure, it is essential to consider these factors to ensure you have the confidence and organisation needed for a successful move. By staying on top of these expat recommendations, you can avoid common mistakes and make your relocation as smooth and efficient as possible.

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